Just The Fun Part

our story

Just The Fun Part

Meet Yigit.

Yigit loves snacks.

Yigit is an idea machine.

Just The Fun Part

This is Aytur.

Aytur is a businessman.

Aytur likes Yigit’s ideas.

But before we tell you that story, we have to tell you this story…

Yigit & Aytur grew up with a keen interest in specialty foods. Eating them, discovering them, and sharing them with everyone! Before they ever met, they were both well on their way to careers in the food industry.

Just The Fun Part

In 2005, the two strangers were sent to NYC by their specialty food company to expand its territory.


The move to the city brought Yigit and Aytur together as they signed the lease for a shared house in Secaucus, NJ.

Just The Fun Part

Yigit and Aytur bonded over their love for gourmet foods. Their jobs selling and delivering cases of gourmet foods allowed them to get in on the ground floor of the industry that they loved.

Just The Fun Part
Just The Fun Part

The years went on, and Yigit and Aytur went their separate ways as their careers took them in different directions. Yigit ventured to California while Aytur began his own gourmet food company.

Years later, another chance encounter brought the two back together. At a food show in NYC, Yigit and Aytur ran into each other.

Aytur jumped at the opportunity to ask him to join his newly founded gourmet food manufacturing company, as no one knew the business in and out like Yigit did.

Business is built on trust, and Aytur could think of no one else he trusted in the food industry more than his old pal Yigit.

Just The Fun Part
Just The Fun Part

Fast forward…

It was business as usual, and things couldn’t be better. However, Yigit felt like there was something missing-he loved being apart of Aytur’s company, but he felt like he had yet to stake his claim in the industry. He needed something that would put him on the map.


This idea didn’t strike immediately. Yigit put in the work. He spent countless hours assessing business trends, discussing snacking habits with industry professionals, and attempting to create an idea that everyone could relate to, and, of course, enjoy eating.

Just The Fun Part
Just The Fun Part

Yigit found that the best snacks were the ones that distinctly brought back memories of our childhoods. And for so many people, a memorable dessert was the anticipation of a sundae cone on a sweltering hot summer day. Yigit wanted to target this feeling in the most delicious way.

It’s no secret that the best part of a sundae cone was the bottom, Yigit thought. So why not capture this moment to enjoy over and over again?

Just like that, Just The Fun Part was born. The name speaks for itself. Sure, the ice cream on-top was delicious, but it wasn’t until you reached the very bottom, where the crispy cone combined with silky smooth chocolate that it became the perfect summer treat.

Yigit wasted no time pitching his idea to Aytur and the team. The reception was unanimously positive as everyone began exclaiming their memories of rushing to the bottom of their sundae cone as a kid to get to the chocolatey bottom.

Just The Fun Part
Just The Fun Part

Today, Just The Fun Part is on its way to shelves across the country and making its way onto tastebuds everywhere!

And as for Yigit & Aytur…

They’re still conquering the snack game. One bite at a time.

Just The Fun Part
Just The Fun Part